Post-Wildfire Bioremediation and Watershed Defense Webinar

Post-Wildfire Bioremediation and Watershed Defense Webinar

Time: 4-6pm Pacific Standard Time (PST)
Date: ​September 30th, 2021
Host: CoRenewal
Cost: free to attend ($20 USD donation strongly encouraged)

[ Event information ]

With the rise of catastrophic megafires in California, there is a growing concern about post-fire toxic ash from wild/urban interfaces, and the consequences of this toxic ash-runoff entering the surrounding waterways. In response, there is a growing grassroots network that seeks to mitigate erosion, remediate toxins, and support post-fire ecological regeneration using fungi and other microbes.

CoRenewal’s Post-Fire Biofiltration Initiative (PFBI) is working to evaluate the efficacy of fungal inoculation, with the aim of developing widely applicable tools and methodologies to facilitate ecological regeneration and recovery in the aftermath of disaster and environmental injustice. In this participatory webinar, we will discuss how you can organize and participate in post-fire watershed protection efforts, as well as how to contribute to community science that supports future efforts.

Speakers include Cheetah Tchudi, Taylor Bright and Maya Elson, plus voices from fire survivors and experienced restoration organizers.

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